User | Post |
2:51 pm May 31, 2010
| dawng
| | Madison, WI | |
| Member | posts 9 |
Hi Everyone,
I'm curious if any of you 14RB owners have thought about taking out the sofa? I haven't seen one in person (the closet dealer is a couple hours away), so I was curious if it might be easily removed. I would place a couple lawn chairs and folding table in that area.
I'm currently looking at the 19SB but I like the smaller footprint of the 14RB, since I'm a former Scamp owner.
What do you all think?
9:22 pm May 31, 2010
| smilinjohn
| | Minnesota Prairie | |
| Moderator
| posts 380 |
Well, Dawn, we meet again. Perhaps, two TV trays (stored under sofa/bench) and you don't have to change a thing . Donna and I plan to prepare and eat outside on the picnic bench.
Would seem like an easy mod., though. The only complication that I see (with not ever having actually looked under the sofa/bench) might be the wheel well placement in relation to one of your chairs/benches. Seems to me that the sofa in question is about 72″ to 75″ long, so there would be room for a breakfast nook/or…… Perhaps, you might not want to do away with all that underbench storage space . Undoubtedly, Teaspoon will chime in. Teaspoon has the 14RB and can tell us first hand, what if anything is under the sofa/bench in question.
2010 Sportsmen Classic 14RK; 2005 Ford F-150, 5.4L V8; "… is always advisable to perceive clearly our ignorance." Charles Darwin
8:39 am June 2, 2010
| Teaspoon
| | Strawberry Plains, TN | |
| Moderator
| posts 246 |
No I have the 14RK like you John only the full package with propane fridge and stove ect. I choose the 14RK because of the nice counter space you got with the rear kitchen, I figured I didnt need a couch for sitting or watching tv, I do that with some pillows placed on the enclosed end of the dinette.
Dawn would you intention be to leave the dinette on the 14RB as a bed all the time and use the couch area as dining? if that is the case like John says just using tv trays and the couch would work.I personally wouldnt want to buy a new unit and start to remodel it , if I wasnt completely happy with the layout of the trailer I think I would investigate other trailers as to a layout that was more of what I wanted, but thats just me.
Ive seen other makes of small trailers that did have small dinnette on the side where the couch is in the Sportsmen RB, I think it was cozy traveler or something, not sure though if those were 16ft or 19 ft long trailers.
Layout in a trailer is important, and each person has their own ideas as to what their priorites are, for me it was the kitchen area, to others it might be storage, and to others still it might be sleeping area.Your going to have to be happy in your decision. I know for me this was a MAJOR purchase and I had to determine what would I be happy with.
Good Luck on your selection process Dawn, we would sure like to see you in our KZ Sportsmen Classic Family 
2010 Sportsmen Classic 14RK 2006 Nissan Titan V8 5.7
12:33 pm June 2, 2010
| CupaJoe
| | NorthWest USA | |
| Member | posts 20 |
Hi Dawn,
I have the 14RB. As John said the wheel well is an obstacle and also the exterior storage locker protrudes into that area as well. Not necessarily impossible of course, but tricky. Barb and I have used TV trays in the aisle between the sofa and the kitchen counter area during extremely bad weather and that worked OK but we do most of our "wining and dining" outside as John and Donna do…. We are long time tent campers and prefer it that way. We always have the awning set up and that works for most weather surprises. We set up the table rarely and had that in the plan we we bought the 14RB. I hope that helps and have fun with whatever you decide on.
Any other questions on the 14 RB let us know.
Steve & Barb ( both 1949) *** Our Dachshund "Max" (2000) ***TT KZ Classic 14 RB (2010)*** TV Santa Fe GLS 4WD, 3.5L V6, 4speed auto (2004) Reese Stabilizer Bar
7:24 pm June 3, 2010
| dawng
| | Madison, WI | |
| Member | posts 9 |
Hi Everyone,
Thank you so much for your posts! They were all really helpful.
We went and visited the RV place today and saw the SB19. We were also lucky in that they had a 14RB that was sold but still sitting on the lot. So we got to see both!
I really liked the 14RB and it was much roomier than I had imagined. But I fell in love with the SB19. I hope to have my brother and his wife camp with us and the extra bed (end dinette) would be fantastic. On those other weekends, not having to put up and down a dinette would be equally fantastic.
I agree wholeheartedly with all of you that taking out the couch wouldn't be a good idea. There is the wheel well for one but also that is where they installed the LP furnace, which is a must for us boondockers.
at 6' 2″, Rick has to crimp his head to stand in either unit but he's used to that:) He loved the shower in 19SB rather than the raised bath because he wouldn't have to hunch over so much. We aren't planning to use the shower that much but there are those times…
I think we're going to be a proud owning couple of a Sportsmen Classic tomorrow! WOOHOO!
John, did we meet before?
7:45 pm June 4, 2010
| Sportsman Matt
| | Central MA | |
| Moderator
| posts 95 |
It is possible to add a flush mount pedistal mount into the floor and make a small table top, my old truck camper had that, the dinette in the truck camper cosisted of a couch and a 14″ wide x 36″ long poly coated board with a flange on the bottom that the table post sat in, then the whole thing sat in the mount recessed in the floor. Problem with that was in really cold weather, if you touched it with your bare feet, it was like you were standing on an ice cube. Plus you had to find a spot to stow the table top when not in use, along with the table post. And dirt seemed to always collect in the bottom of the flush mount.
I would say go for the 19SB, there isn't much difference when manuevering versus the 14RB, plus the extra space is very much appreciated and used up quickly. (I checked my Overhead comparments and the exterior storage to find that I only have about 20% of the space not being used)
11:26 pm June 4, 2010
| smilinjohn
| | Minnesota Prairie | |
| Moderator
| posts 380 |
No, Dawn, we have never met…….I answered your first two posts and stated on the 2nd, that "we meet, again".
2010 Sportsmen Classic 14RK; 2005 Ford F-150, 5.4L V8; "… is always advisable to perceive clearly our ignorance." Charles Darwin