Post edited 7:01 pm – December 29, 2012 by punkozuna
Hi all,
A couple of small mods to our camper.
The first is specific to the toy hauler models. The convertible bed/couch sections are joined at the fold by a long "piano hinge". The factory fastened the hinge in place using what look like self-tapping wood screws to me. They put a screw in every other hole on the hinge – some 28 screws in all. After a couple months use, the screws started working their way out and stripping threads.
I replaced those screws with #10 x 5/8″ self-tapping screws suitable for sheet metal. The bed frame is aluminum square "tube" about 1.5″X1.5″ x 1/16″ wall thickness. I picked a larger screw with a flat washer shaped head and filled all the holes in the piano hinge.

Below is a picture of the two screw types – old on the right, new on the left.

Below are two pics of the extra shelf space we created by hanging what looks like an oven/broiler tray (purchased at goodwill for a buck) over the stove. There is so little shelf space in the kitchen that cooking and washing dishes is a real juggling act. I needed a space to put pots/dishes while cooking/cleaning. I used metal since it was over the stove and hung them with eye-bolts, plastic anchors and chain. It's been very handy. Can't put too much weight on it because of the anchors though.

Other than that, we've relocated a few of the Command hooks to better match our needs. Everything else has worked well and the electric space heater has been enough to keep us warm down to 15 degrees F (so far) without needing the propane furnace.