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7:00 pm March 19, 2010
| Sportsman Matt
| | Central MA | |
| Moderator
| posts 95 |
So now I'm waiting to take delivery of my 19BH and thinking what other modifications are needed to a great trailer so far.
First I plan on adding the LED lighting, that's a given as often I am away from any 110V power for days at a time, and charging the batteries may be a problem.
Second thing I am adding to my trailer is (4) 5000 lb scissor jacks, one on each corner for stability, plus the factory jacks seem a little on the light side for me.
Third thing I need to do is tee off the LP system to provide propane for my Little Red Campfire in a Can. With campgrounds prohibiting transportation of firewood because of insects, I figure this small LP powered fire can keep morale high and the lack of smoke can make people spend more time next to the fire rather than trying to find the spot away from the smoke. Plus I can also run my portable grill off that same tee when not using the portable campfire.
Forth thing is possibly changing the single 20# LP Tank Mount for either 2 20# LP Tanks, or just put in a 30# tank in it's place, due to the new propane draw from the Campfire in a Can.
Fifth thing I was looking at was to put in a shower enclosure in the bathroom as protection for the walls as KZ uses a fairly decent interoir wall material, but it isn't 100% waterproof. Possibly the Lyons Tub Shower Surround. Toss in the Extend A Shower Expandable Shower Rod and a longer shower curtain, and it would be like taking a shower at home with all the space.
Last thing I have planned, but may move this up the list just behind the jacks is adding a second 12V deep cycle battery. I had 2 deep cycle batteries for my truck camper, ran fine for 9 days with only having to recharge off the truck twice for 1/2 hour a day due to the tree cover was so dense where I was camped that the solar panel couldn't get enough sunlight to top off the batteries.
I also forgot that I am adding a MaxxAir II cover for the center roof vent, and possibly adding a Vortex Fan Retrofit Kit to the vent in the bathroom also.
So with this, the Campfire in a Can arrived today, the jacks and MaxxAir cover should be in middle of next month.
So now I plan and plan, waiting for D Day (April 21st Delivery Day)
10:08 pm March 31, 2010
| Sportsman Matt
| | Central MA | |
| Moderator
| posts 95 |
The Maxx Air II cover for the center vent came in Monday afternoon, and the 4 UltraFab 5000 lb Ultra Scissor Jacks I ordered came in at Noontime today . And 20 Days to go until I pick up my 19BH.
One thing I was wondering was if I put the jacks on all 4 corners of the frame, do I really need to have the axle supported as I can lift the trailer with one jack (trailer weighs 2670 dry weight, jack can lift 5000 lbs)
I do like the idea that if I get a flat I can use the new 5000 lb leveling jacks to lift the side of the trailer to swap the tires out. (Just don't try that with the factory stabilizer jacks, they are not designed for that much weight due to the design)
More to come…
6:15 am April 7, 2010
| JD Sportsmen
| | Oklahoma | |
| Member | posts 3 |
I just bought the 16BH and am interested in protecting the shower walls. Did you purchase the Lyons surround? Any issues?
I did purchase the vortex fan. It works great!
9:58 am April 7, 2010
| Sportsman Matt
| | Central MA | |
| Moderator
| posts 95 |
I'm waiting to get my 19BH, pick it up in 2 weeks from today. Then I'll take final measurements and look into some form of enclosure. I was looking at the 1 piece from Lyons, biggest thing is the shower walls curve in the rear with the outside wall, so any enclosure I buy will have to be modified for the trailer's curve and the rear shower enclosure wall will be shorter than the other two, leaving a short section of the existing wall on the curve exposed. Still working on it, biggest thing is getting the Maxx Air II and the 4 corner jacks installed once I pick it up. Right now the weekend of April 23rd to 26th is going to be my break in weekend, camping out in it in the driveway, testing everything, and putting the jacks and vent cover on, along with moving all my gear from my old truck camper into the new trailer.
Right now PPL has the enclosures on sale, probably pick up one over the summer when I get time.
7:19 pm April 12, 2010
| JD Sportsmen
| | Oklahoma | |
| Member | posts 3 |
I bought a surround at Lowes made by aqua glass. It was $47. The surround is in 5 pieces that are easily modified for the rear curve and the small size of an RV tub. I furred out the corner and rear. The install took around 3 hours. My wife was even happy with the result. I used silicone caulking and liquid nails for tub surrounds and foam board. This is a must so the adhesive does not burn through the surround. Make sure you remove the KZ installed metal base at the tub and wall. The sealant behind metal base had several gaps that would have leaked behind the tub!
One concern I had was the lack of teflon tape on the plumbing fixture. I am going to keep an eye for leaks.
Good Luck!
4:47 pm April 23, 2010
| Sportsman Matt
| | Central MA | |
| Moderator
| posts 95 |
Well I started out Wednesday after bringing the unit home. I installed my Maxx Air II cover over the center vent, and today I pickedc up another $150 in parts and accessories, mainly for the LP system to hook up the RVQ grill, tire covers to protect them from the sun, and the winterizing hoses and bypass kit for the hot water heater and water pump, along with the step carpeting to help keep the interior cleaner.
I measured out the shower, and was almost ready to order an enclosure when I noticed something. KZ has the radius at the top for the roof, then part way down the back, it tapers back in towards the tub, following the back wall of the trailer. So now I'm looking at it from a different angle, and I figure the 5 piece may be the way to go, along with doing some bracing to keep everything in solid until the adhesive dries.
I did notice the roof wasn't anywhere close to flat, but useable, I have to agree with a few others that the roof could have been installed better, but it's one piece and should not leak as long as it doesn't get hit or punctured.
So this weekend is LP Gas line work, install the jacks, and shop for a new matress, the 2″ thick matress is almost non existant when I lay down on it.
4:47 pm April 24, 2010
| Sportsman Matt
| | Central MA | |
| Moderator
| posts 95 |
So far I've gotten a lot of work done to the 19BH today, but far from done.
First, removed those 2 useless little swing down crank jacks that the manufacturer installs and installed 4 Ultra Fab 5000 lb Scissor Stabilizer Jacks on all 4 corners.
Second, I installed the RVQ mounting bracket. This was a feat as you need to have atleast one screw into a stud in the wall. Guess what! You can't use an electronic stud finder with the aluminum sides, the studfinders just can't find anything because the electromagnetic signals they use to find the studs get reflected all over. So you have to do the old "knock and see" method where you knock on the wall to see if it's hollow or solid. I managed to find one stud above the wheel well about 9 1/2″ foreward from the rear edge of the 19BH's kitchen window. So I mounted the bracket with 4 Stainless Steel screws coated with Dicor Non Leveling sealant (For some reason I had a tube of that around) and also ran a bead of the same Dicor along the top edge of the bracket where it met the wall, figure if it rains, it will run off the ends and not behind the bracket or in the screwholes.
Slid the RVQ into place, just the right height, and still get some protection from the edge of the awning if it's going to rain while I'm cooking on the grill.
Also installed the step carpeting, to keep the floors cleaner, and Mud Dauber Covers over the heater vent. Those are something I strongly recommend installing, they cost less than $20, and worth their weight. Also keeps the chipmunks and squirrels from hiding acorns in the vents also.
So next up is address the Propane Quick Disconnect (should have that in tomorrow evening) and the winterizing fresh water plumbing (another tomorrow evening project) plus I need to get a matress for the bed as the 2″ thick one is just too uncomfortable for me.
Then it's time to repack everything from my old truck camper (all the camping gear) into the new trailer, and look at lighting with LEDs.
4:49 pm May 1, 2010
| Sportsman Matt
| | Central MA | |
| Moderator
| posts 95 |
Further update….
First, plumbed in the LP Quick Disconnect. Not as easy as could have been, but not that hard either. Luckily I was able to pull the brass flare tee fitting out of the cast iron tee fitting, then install a second tee off the first one, install the brass tee back in the new second tee, and run a 36″ length of 1/2″ black iron pipe to an elbow and reducer at the edge of the trailer, then install the QD Shutoff connector. Tested and everything is good to go.
Second, Installed the hot water heater bypass and the water pump antifreeze syphon hose. Not hard, but required removing one of the factory elbows, cutting the hose back 1 1/2″ from the existing elbow to the freshwater tank, reinstalling the strainer and new valve and syphon hose to the water pump. The hot water heater bypass required me to do a little creative plumbing, as I could not get the 1/2″ brass pipe nipples out of the tank, and the valves have male ends on them, so I had to put in 2 brass couplings between the valves and the tank. But it works and it's in.
And I did some bedding replacing. I found that a Queen size bed matress will fit in place of the Full Size Extra Long matress that KZ provided. Also my old futon matress from Ikea when unzipped, fit over the bunk bed matresses with just a little bit of undersizing on the width versus the KZ matresses.
So far so good, now time to get out and use my trailer.