User | Post |
3:07 pm February 22, 2011
| kayaknut
| | | |
| Member | posts 376 |
Post edited 12:44 am – January 14, 2012 by kayaknut
10:04 pm February 22, 2011
| smilinjohn
| | Minnesota Prairie | |
| Moderator
| posts 380 |
Julie, looks great.
2010 Sportsmen Classic 14RK; 2005 Ford F-150, 5.4L V8; "… is always advisable to perceive clearly our ignorance." Charles Darwin
11:27 am February 25, 2011
| pfidahospud
| | Post Falls, Idaho | |
| Member | posts 107 |
Very nice! And thrifty, too!
Tow-er: 2010 RAV4 3.5L 269 hp V6 with Tow Pkg ~ Tow-ee: 2011 Sportsmen Classic 14RB ~ Director: The wife
3:34 pm March 11, 2011
| Steve
| | San Antonio, TX | |
| Moderator
| posts 193 |
I really like what you did there, and I own that very same teapot! It looks awesome and think I found a project for this weekend.
5:08 pm March 11, 2011
| kayaknut
| | | |
| Member | posts 376 |
Post edited 12:44 am – January 14, 2012 by kayaknut
7:20 pm March 11, 2011
| sandersmr
| | Texas | |
| Member | posts 338 |
Did you get this at some place like Home Depot or Lowe's? I like the look.
2010 16BH towed by 2002 F-150 Super Crew 4.6L V8
9:39 pm March 11, 2011
| flygal6
| | Appleton, WI | |
| Moderator
| posts 80 |
I liked this so much I am going to copycat Julie. I just bought my supplies at Lowes this week. Julie you got a better price than I did.
2011 Starcraft AR-1, 15RB, Tow with 2007 Mitsuibishi Outlander 6cyl 4WD
2:08 am March 12, 2011
| kayaknut
| | | |
| Member | posts 376 |
Post edited 12:45 am – January 14, 2012 by kayaknut
5:28 pm March 12, 2011
| Steve
| | San Antonio, TX | |
| Moderator
| posts 193 |
I got all the parts and pieces I need and will be installing it tomorrow. I held off on getting the tape because I'm considering getting a tube of liquid nails instead. I'm worried that the tape will lose cohesion because of time and heat, but am not sure if liquid nails is any better over time.
Does anyone have experience with both and can speak to which would be better for the long run?
5:57 pm March 12, 2011
| kayaknut
| | | |
| Member | posts 376 |
Post edited 12:45 am – January 14, 2012 by kayaknut
6:55 pm March 20, 2011
| flygal6
| | Appleton, WI | |
| Moderator
| posts 80 |
So here is my finished product decking out our galley on our new little camper. Just love the look it gave. Using one of those TV trays from Walmart as a topper for the stove was a great idea and blends so well with the stain on the cabinets, These backsplash panels just warm up the whole feel
Tried to up load the shots but having problem with the site. Will try in a different post.
Had so much fun working on the new camper all weekend decorating it and loading the gear and making it our own.
2011 Starcraft AR-1, 15RB, Tow with 2007 Mitsuibishi Outlander 6cyl 4WD
7:01 pm March 20, 2011
| flygal6
| | Appleton, WI | |
| Moderator
| posts 80 |
Maybe John can look into this….still can't get my pictures to load. Using same method I have used before. I get the insert/edit screen and I hit insert which takes me to the "tiny browser screen" which is an empty screen?
2011 Starcraft AR-1, 15RB, Tow with 2007 Mitsuibishi Outlander 6cyl 4WD
7:37 pm March 20, 2011
| sandersmr
| | Texas | |
| Member | posts 338 |
I saw the panels at Home Depot today. I am seriously thinking about this as a mod but will wait until I get back from my trip to Georgia. I think I will go for the tin looking ones rather than the copper colored.
2010 16BH towed by 2002 F-150 Super Crew 4.6L V8
11:05 am April 24, 2011
| Steve
| | San Antonio, TX | |
| Moderator
| posts 193 |
Yay, finally finished installing mine. And yes, that's a camping wok.
12:43 pm April 24, 2011
| sandersmr
| | Texas | |
| Member | posts 338 |
2010 16BH towed by 2002 F-150 Super Crew 4.6L V8
1:32 pm April 24, 2011
| kayaknut
| | | |
| Member | posts 376 |
Post edited 12:45 am – January 14, 2012 by kayaknut
7:25 pm April 24, 2011
| Steve
| | San Antonio, TX | |
| Moderator
| posts 193 |
I absolutely love it! If wind isn't a factor this cooks evenly as is the case with most pans, but the aluminum has a lot to do with that. The clean up is easy based on the shape. On one trip I used it as my only pan to cook with and it did a great job for me. Honestly, for $24 it's not a bad thing to have in your collection.
10:00 am July 2, 2011
| kayaknut
| | | |
| Member | posts 376 |
Post edited 12:45 am – January 14, 2012 by kayaknut
7:45 am July 3, 2011
| Steve
| | San Antonio, TX | |
| Moderator
| posts 193 |
I had a feeling that might happen with the double sided tape. I glued mine on because of that. The only d-sided tape that I found that would work is a little too expensive (3m VHB tape).