User | Post |
7:24 am June 23, 2011
| Steve
| | San Antonio, TX | |
| Moderator
| posts 193 |
I came across this in a blog. It was highly recommended by the blogger to the point where I've seen him use it on 3 of his rigs (he recently changed them due mfg and medical issues to suit his changing needs).
My rig is almost a year old now and has been sitting in storage most of the time. I plan on using this to preventively avoid any future leaks when the dicor craps out on me.…..sim_auto_4
9:01 am June 23, 2011
| Sportsman Matt
| | Central MA | |
| Moderator
| posts 95 |
I've seen a few people swear by it on personally, unless the dicor sealer on the roof has failed, you're wasting money. The Sportsmen Classics come with a one piece aluminum roof, it dents before puncturing, and the Dicor is a self leveling lap sealant, so when it goes down, it fills in gaps, which is what the manufacturer wants when sealing the unit.
Periodic Inspection is the best insurance against leaks, and there is no "cure all" for inspecting. You can put the eternabond down, but you still need to see if it got scraped by that low tree branch, or punctured by that falling acorn piece, if the birds were picking at it, etc.
9:57 am June 23, 2011
| Steve
| | San Antonio, TX | |
| Moderator
| posts 193 |
Maybe it would be good to have a roll with while on a trip?
9:10 pm June 23, 2011
| Mike Magee
| | near Tulsa OK | |
| Member | posts 204 |
Post edited 4:11 am – June 24, 2011 by Mike Magee
I've read the stuff on too, and the Eternabond users are very enthusiastic about it. My dealer thinks Dicor is a better choice, so I'm undecided about what to use in coming years.
Instructions given for use of Eternabond reveal that the stuff sticks extremely well… in fact one dare not remove the paper from the roll's side and then set the roll down. The roll will adhere wherever you set it! Once the stuff is applied, forget about ever getting it back , so it had better be done right the first time. Yet they also say that proper surface prep is really important… I think they talked about cleaning with paint thinner (because it evaporates quickly and thoroughly). And the tape is supposed to be pressed down with a roller to get out all the air bubbles and spots where water could get underneath.
As far as something to take along for on-the-road repairs, I think a tube of sealant might be easier and quicker to apply than a line of Eternabond tape.
2008 Toyota Highlander – 2011 Escape E14RB
5:28 am June 24, 2011
| Steve
| | San Antonio, TX | |
| Moderator
| posts 193 |
Oh, ok. Perhaps it has a great application for practical jokes then?
8:08 pm June 24, 2011
| Mike Magee
| | near Tulsa OK | |
| Member | posts 204 |
I like the way you think! Lay it on a hairy friend and it willl do better than a wax job, he he. Of course, he may not be your friend any longer… 
2008 Toyota Highlander – 2011 Escape E14RB