User | Post |
7:16 pm March 9, 2011
| maju
| | | |
| Member | posts 5 |
The shower faucet is cracked and I'm trying to replace it. Thankfully, it's cracked outside the controls so we just can't use it but it doesn't leak.
Do I have to pull the fridge to replace the shower faucet? I've got a replacement faucet and it appears that way.
7:32 pm March 9, 2011
| sandersmr
| | Texas | |
| Member | posts 338 |
I take it the 19SB doesn't have a hand-held shower then? That's what the 16BH has, so I can't help you there.
2010 16BH towed by 2002 F-150 Super Crew 4.6L V8
8:03 pm March 9, 2011
| maju
| | | |
| Member | posts 5 |
It does have a wand, but the knob assembly has the crack and needs to be replaced.
9:48 am March 10, 2011
| sandersmr
| | Texas | |
| Member | posts 338 |
That I'm pretty sure you can get at from the bathroom side. I know someone talked about removing their faucet knobs to add a shower enclosure on the Mods board. You might check there to see exactly how he did it.
2010 16BH towed by 2002 F-150 Super Crew 4.6L V8
9:15 pm March 15, 2011
| maju
| | | |
| Member | posts 5 |
I've been trying to get at it from the shower side and I'm just not seeing it. The replacement I have has two retaining nuts that would only be accessible from the fridge side of the wall. I've taken the shower controls apart as much as possible (removed the knobs, and then the cover), but I don't see anything that would indicate that's it can be removed from the shower side.
Any other ideas?