Post edited 5:28 pm – September 8, 2012 by Mike M
The Problem: Incessant door hinge sqeak. Very Annoying.
The Fix: Get lubricant into door hinges.
The Process:
1: Identify door hinges vs. screen door hinges. Interestingly, the screen door hinges have slots, thus making them insanely easy to lubricate. On the other hand, the regular door hinges are full-wrap, making them impossible to properly lubricate.
The hinges:
A closer look at the pairing of the hinges:
2: Gather tools. You'll need a center punch, a drill and 7/32 drill bit, and a pump oiler.
The tools:
3: Drill holes. Put a center punch mark about 1/4″ down from the top of the door hinge in the area shown. Then carefully drill just deep enough to go through the door frame. You'll probably have to go a tiny bit into the hinge pin, but just don't go too deep.
The hole:
4: Lubricate door hinges. Now take your pump oiler and push the tip against the hole. Move the door back and forth while squirting some oil into the hole. If you did it right you'll see oil come out the bottom of the hinge, just above the washer. Wipe off the excess and you're done!
The outcome: A silent door. Ahhhhhh!
Mike M.