Post edited 3:27 am – March 19, 2012 by steele_46055
We just bought a 16RBT last month and took out for the first time this weekend. Pulls good, had a little bit of ‘bouncing’ on county roads, no problems on improved roads and the interstate.
The state park we went to had no facilities open (water, restrooms, or dump station) only thing they had was electricity, so we were totally self contained.
Refrigerator works well in both gas and electric mode, had to turn the temp up a little because drinks in the top self were freezing.
Used the toilet and shower, lesson learned on shower, it will eat your water supply up quickly. If you don’t have a city water supply recommend you use community showers.
Used both microwave and regular stove both worked fine, open the window by the sink and the roof vent for ventilation while cooking.
The water heater worked great. When you turn on your water heater, listen for it to turn off (15-30 minutes) turn off the heater. Save your LP gas. The water will stay hot for a long time (6 hours). Just turn it back on 15 minutes before you need hot water. Here’s a tip, when you fill your water tank, make sure your open the bleed valve for the water heater is open, turn on your water pump while filling the tank. When you get water coming out of the bleed valve, close it, the water heater is filled. If you don’t do this and fill the water tank, as soon as you turn on your water pump when you get to your camp site, you just lost 6 gallons of water because it will go into the water heater.
Extending and retracting the awing is soooooooooo easy. Putting the stabilizers down is easy just remember not to extend the step until the right rear stabilizer is down. I think KZ needs to on front stabilizers, front of trailer sways a little.
Went to a local camp ground and paid to use their dump station. Dump your black tank first. Close the value, buy a black tank wand, run it down hole in the toilet and spray the tank. Open valve and drain again. Now drain the gray tank. Run fresh water into gray tank and dump again. Now put chemicals with the prescribed amount of water into the black tank if you are going out again soon. Remember to drain your water tank and water heater so you won’t have stale water next time you go out.
Going out again in two weeks, can’t wait.