I have put fans on several of the poups I have owned when the fridge just would not cool very well. I am guessing that you are talking about putting a fan not "in" the fridge but in the back of the fridge to help move air over the coils? I used computer fans. Usually one, sometimes two. I always put them at the top at the exhaust vent. They would draw the hot air out of the back of the fridge and pull it up over the coils. I think even more important than the fan is building a baffle or improving the existing baffle to make sure the air is actually moving through the coils and not around them. Some folks find that improved baffling is so effective that a fan is not even needed.
I have not put a fan on our 14rb but I did improve the baffle some. Used metallic tape and roof flashing to make sure the air went through the coils and not around them.The stock baffle on our 14rb was pretty good as it came from the factory. If you take a look at the popup explorer website and do a search on fridge fans and baffles you can see examples and pictures of mods for the fridge. Sorry I have no pics.
I also put one of those small D cell fans inside of the fridge to move air inside of the fridge.
After modding my baffle my fridge has no problem staying in the 30s but it did creep up to the low 40s when it was about 104 on the last trip to the mountains.
There are other posts in the forum about addinng additional insulation around the fridge and correct placement of the thermosister (sp?) to improve the fridge.
Hope this helps some.