This past week we took our 190 on it's maiden voyage. We spent three nights in Scusset Beach State Park in eastern MA. Because this is still the off-season up here, the amenities were limited to electrical hookup only. No water, no campground showers or bathrooms, and no dump station.
This meant of course hauling in and out all of our water related needs. That said, the trip couldn't have gone better. Some may know that the fresh water tank is only 20 gallons on the 190, so we packed another 18 in jugs in the back of the truck. We came home with about 5 gallons of fresh. All of our needs were duly met by the supply on hand, including all cooking, cleaning, showering (one each) and lavatory for us and 3 day guests on the third day.
The electric hookup made it possible to save propane by using an electric heater at night, which can be quite cool this time of year. We had no problem staying nice and toasty with a little 1500w space heater. Having electricity is soooo nice. Coffee maker, toaster oven, microwave…
In preparing our coach for camping, I noticed that KZ was a little slack with the caulking around the shower stall. Others might want to check theirs for similar flaws, as we all know that water is the mortal enemy of RV's.
The unit tows beautifully behind our F150, but a word to the wise – don't try towing this model with full waste tanks. As I had mentioned earlier, we had to pack out our water because the dump station is closed this time of year. On the 190 the waste tanks are both behind the axle. When we hooked up to leave I immediately noticed the lack of tongue weight. Even moving every bit of cargo forward had a neglible effect. Going down the road, the unit was rocking to and fro like the town drunk. Something had to give, so out went the grey water. After that it was very manageable, and we made it the rest of the way without incident. My septic system thanked me for the new batch of black water, and now we're all happy.
I like that we got to test the whole spectrum of capabilities of our new trailer, and I must say it's a very well engineered unit and I think we'll be very happy over the long haul with it.

Mike M.