Post edited 6:21 am – March 5, 2011 by smilinjohn
Am I living up to your expectations… might I improve? I'll be glad to forward any suggested improvements to Corinne, the Owner / Administrator of our forums. Of course, you don't need my intercession, as any member can send email direct to Corinne . Corinne might not be able to respond immediately, as other commitments keep her from doing so.
As Moderator, I check in several times each week to read new postings. My job has been easy. Only occasionally have I needed to delete objectionable posts, move threads to more appropriate forums, or PM members to help with potential pitfalls to our other members (sites containing potential or viral threats; or advertising their own company's product).
Are there any topic threads that should be "pinned" (made as a sticky) to inform, reduce repetition, etc.?