Post edited 5:16 am – July 13, 2010 by motx72
Hey! Have you seen the new floorplans that KZ has introduced for the Sportsmen Classic series? They have grown from 3 floorplans to 6 floorplans.…..plans.html
They have a new smaller 13' model, as well as two 19' models. We are seriously considering trading in our Viking popup for the model 19BH. We like the bunkhouse in the 16BH, but we love the extra room this floorplan provides.
My inlaws are actually considering the other 19' model – – 19SB. It has the bed up front with a dinette in the rear. And since it's just the two of them, they say it would be perfect!
Anyway, just found this site today, and hope to continue learning from you guys over the next few months. Might take that long before we take the plunge ourselves.
Thanks everyone!